Welcome to the FreshPress Themes Affiliate Program!

All you have to do to get started is to sign up on our parent companies affiliate center, Weborithm Products, and grab your affiliate material from within the admin area.

We offer 25% commission on all of our themes.

In the affiliate area you will find all the relevant banners and links to help with your promotion. Just a few points before you become an affiliate.

Search Policy
If you would like to bid on keywords on search engines with our URL as the display one please take a few minutes to get in touch with us. You will need our permission before you do so.

Placement Preferences
You may not show our links or banners on websites/forums etc… that exhibit alcohol, drugs, gambling any hate related or pornographic content.

Other than that you can write blog posts, place banners on your blog, websites or as signatures in your forum links. Even make an email campaign!

We reserve the right to change or add any terms and conditions for our affiliate program at any point of time without prior notice.